Expanded service ahoy! Vashon community celebrates upcoming launch of midday water taxi trips

Cross posted from Metro Matters

King County Deputy Executive Shannon Braddock, County Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, State Rep. Emily Alvarado, and Metro General Manager Michelle Allison greeted Vashon Island residents who sailed to Seattle to celebrate the upcoming launch of midday water taxi service. Starting July 1, the King County Water Taxi will have four new roundtrip midday sailings to the island.

“These new midday sailings will provide important connections for Vashon residents and visitors to work, school, appointments, entertainment, and more. A big thank you to the Vashon community and the state legislature for their advocacy and partnership,” said Executive Dow Constantine. “The new midday sailings will expand water taxi service to a total of 10 roundtrip sailings every weekday, all year round, along with recently upgraded Metro bus service connecting ferry riders with island destinations.”

“The King County Water Taxi is a vital part of our transit network, and with travel patterns changing we saw the opportunity to increase sailings beyond traditional ‘commute hours’,” said Metro General Manager Michelle Allison. “Expanding the midday service not only benefits the residents of Vashon, but also people living in our region who want to explore and visit a truly special place in the Puget Sound.”

Today’s celebratory trip to Seattle was an opportunity for Vashon residents to meet with county and state officials who have worked to secure funding to expand water taxi service.

“Our water taxi and ferry services are Vashon’s I-5 and our West Seattle Bridge. We rely on them for our livelihoods, schoolteachers, health center staff, and fuel for our cars and trucks,” said Rick Wallace with Islanders for Ferry Action. “Dozens of Vashon folks have thanked Islanders for Ferry Action for this major increase of transportation service with the water taxi and a supporting Metro bus schedule. I always tell them; thanks go to the County and State elected officials who secured the funding. What a great day for Vashon.”

Along with expanded midday service, Metro has increased transit service on Vashon, adding weekday bus trips. Routes 118 and 119 together operate 51 weekday trips that connect riders to Washington State Ferry sailings.

Water taxi fares to Vashon are $6.75 for adults ($5.75 with an ORCA card). Passengers 18 and under ride free. Reduced fares are available for people with disabilities, people with lower incomes, and seniors. 

King County Water Taxi Schedule – Vashon Island Route Monday-Friday (*new sailings starting July 1)

Seattle (Pier 50) to Vashon Vashon Ferry Terminal to Seattle 
5:30 a.m. 6:10 a.m. 
6:38 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 
7:40 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 
*8:50 a.m. *9:25 a.m. 
*11:25 a.m. *12:00 p.m. 
*12:45 p.m. *1:30 p.m. 
*3:00 p.m. *3:45 p.m. 
4:30 p.m. 4:58 p.m. 
5:30 p.m. 5:58 p.m. 
6:30 p.m. 6:58 p.m. 


“These new midday sailings will provide important connections for Vashon residents and visitors to work, school, appointments, entertainment and more. A big thank you to the Vashon community and the state legislature for their advocacy and partnership. The new midday sailings will expand water taxi service to a total of 10 roundtrip sailings every weekday, all year round, along with recently upgraded Metro bus service connecting the ferry riders with island destinations.”
King County Executive Dow Constantine

“The King County Water Taxi isa vital part of our transit network, and with travel patterns changing we saw the opportunity to increase sailings beyond traditional ‘commute hours’. Expanding the midday service not only benefits the residents of Vashon, but also people living in our region who want to explore and visit a truly special place in the Puget Sound.” 
Metro General Manager Michelle Allison

 “Our water taxi and ferry services are Vashon’s I-5 and our West Seattle Bridge. We rely on them for our livelihoods, schoolteachers, health center staff, and fuel for our cars and trucks. Dozens of Vashon folks have thanked Islanders for Ferry Action for this major increase of transportation service with the water taxi and a supporting Metro bus schedule. I always tell them; thanks go to the County and State elected officials who secured the funding. What a great day for Vashon.”
Rick Wallace, Islanders for Ferry Action

“The most frequent concern I have heard from residents of Vashon is the need for more ferry connections to the mainland, to reliably get folks back and forth to doctor’s appointments, school, jobs, and to support Vashon’s local businesses. I’m thrilled that our collective advocacy for an increase in water taxi service will help support this goal as we continue to work with state and regional partners on long-term ferry recovery. The advocacy of Vashon Islanders for Ferry Action, along with the leadership of our state partners led by Rep. Emily Alvarado, are a big part of why we’re celebrating the start of this service. This partnership will help expand transportation options for everyone and support the health of Vashon-Maury Island’s community and economy.” 
King County Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda

 “This is a true celebration of how working together can accomplish great results. The community deserves credit for their persistence and patience as the funds for this service went through the legislature. There was a real need for more transportation options for Vashon residents, and through collaboration on a local, county and state level, we were able to get it done.”
State Representative Emily Alvarado

“When we knew we were expanding our service, our goal was to make sure it met the needs of those riding with us. The water taxi team worked with the community to not only ensure the trips met their needs, but also to coordinate the trips with Metro bus service to make travel as seamless as possible. I want to thank our good partners at Washington State Ferries in their support of bringing this new service on. We are very honored to be providing the service the residents of Vashon have been asking for.”
Marine Division Director Terry Federer

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